Die Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) hat uns einen Nachruf zu Missionar Eduard Wendland geschickt, den wir hier auch gern veröffentlichen. Er ist in Englisch und spiegelt die tiefe Verbundenheit zwischen Eduard und der AFM wieder.

The national leadership and all church members of the Apostolic Faith Mission In Malawi is with a saddened heart conveying our
sincere condolences to the Family of the late Missionary Edward Wendland and VM International upon hearing of his departure to glory. It was really a shocking and unbelievable news when we heard that Pastor Wendland went to be with the Lord. His departure to glory has left the AFM in Malawi with mixed feelings.
We have sorrow because AFM In Malawi has lost her icon. We can not talk about AFM IN MALAWI without him. He was one of the most renown pioneers of the AFM in Malawi. We shall always remember him because of his dedicated life in God’s work. He was a man who feared no bushes of Malawi, he had no fear of darkness, no fear of sicknesses and no fear of dangers. His dedication in church infrastructure development established the AFM with deepest roots.
There will be no pastor who can go through the AFM Bible College without hearing about him. Every pastor has once slept under the roof of his handiwork. Pastor Wendland built more than 40 churhes and pastors’ houses for the Church in Malawi. Pastor Wendland shall also be remembered by the church in Malawi because of his evangelism efforts. He was a by then renown evangelist who led many souls to Christ and the church grew in great numbers during the time of his ministry.
We have a feeling of sorrow because we have lost a long time friend who almost became a Malawian. Pastor Wendland worked with all kinds of people amicably and with a warm heart.
Nevertheless, because of his relentless efforts in ministry we are also compelled to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ for his departure be-cause to us it’s a loss but to him is a rest and to God is gain. As the scriptures clearly indicates in Rev 14:13″ And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on: Yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.“ I quote. It is high time that he should receive the promised crown of glory in ex-change of his sweat of labour. As a human being, there were times when he had to be disappointed and cry, it’s high time that his tears should be wiped away by God himself. May His Soul Rest In Peace.
May the Lord comfort the bereaved family members and the VM International.
In His Vineyard,
Henry Peter Maonde (Pastor)
National Secretary – AFM In Malawi.